Annual membership for 2024/2025: $100/year
Cycles from September 1 to August 31 annually
There are also pro-rated memberships for those who wish to join at later times in the cycle.
New members joining during the fiscal year are prorated as follows:
Sept. 1/23-Aug. 31/24 – $100; Feb. 1/24-Aug. 31/24 – $50; Apr. 1/24-Aug. 31/24- $40
Full Membership
Membership includes
- Full use of studio(s)
- Discount on classes
- Membership in Special Interest Groups
- Opportunity to show and sell products
- On-line through club website (member galleries)
- Member pricing on tables at craft sales
To pay by cash please download the Membership Form
If you wish to pay by e-transfer or credit card, please fill out the form below and when you click on submit you will be redirected to a page with payment information.